AI + H = Augmented Human Intelligence (AHI)

Can we prevent a future where machines will outperform humans?

Saverio Pulizzi
4 min readNov 16, 2022
Gioconda Mona Lisa painted by Picasso.
Generated with Dalle-2, “Gioconda Mona Lisa Painted by Picasso”

Since the term AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been coined the scientific community around the world has been envisioning a future where machines will outperform humans in every tasks.

The term itself has raised fear in people, thinking that one day they’ll loose their jobs because a computer program could replace them.

Fear has slowed down adoption and justified large public and private investments to regulate and prevent possible unethical uses and to make people feeling safer when dealing with this technology.

However, major institutions are trying to regulate unethical uses of Machine Learning Applications (defined also as Narrow AI), something that is closer to applied statistics than to an actual Artificial Intelligence.

Indeed, the term “AI” is ambiguous, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that outperforms humans is still quite far from happening.

There is no doubt that if the world keeps thinking and envisioning a future with AGI, one day, we will make it happen but why are we all trying to manifest something that doesn’t feel safe?

Why don’t we all start envisioning something that feels empowering?

Augmented Human Intelligence generated using Stable Diffusion 1.4

Augmented Human Intelligence (AHI)

There are already many applications where neural networks are used to make our life easier and AHI is already happening but we are just not talking about it (or at least not enough).

AHI happens when AI is used to augment the human brain, to help us overcoming our cognitive limits, to automate repetitive tasks and to improve our decision making.

Human in the Loopis probably one of the closest concept to AHI. There are many applications that are built around this paradigm and that are designed to let humans interact with AI in a way that the final outcome is a combination of both AI and Human work.

Human In The Loop describes the process when the machine or computer system is unable to solve a problem, and needs human intervention […] to create a continuous feedback loop allowing the algorithm to give every time better results.

Why is AHI better than AI?

Because our brain works better at qualitative tasks while AI is better than us at making quantitative analysis.

For example when we see an image, our brain processes it as a whole picture, allowing us to be multitasking but to spot only visible patterns, while AI will see it as a matrix of numbers and will be able to spot invisible patters.

Combining these two approaches can lead to better decisions and better outcome as both the quantitative and the qualitative aspects of a problem are taken into consideration.

Here is an example on how I used computer vision to spot hidden images in Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpieces.

Why Human and Computer can work well together. Credits:

Then, why don’t we all start thinking, talking, feeling, envisioning and manifesting a future with Augmented Human Intelligence?

Generated with Stable Diffusion 1.4: “Inspired human intelligence in harmony with artificial intelligence.”

The rise of Generative AI

When the first spark of electricity was discovered in the 1700s, people were scared of this new technology and electricity was mainly used to entertain guests at a dinner table.

Today, we are witnessing the rise of a huge tech revolution where Multimodal Deep Learning is playing a key role and Generative AI is now able to execute creative tasks.

Creative tasks does not mean just Art but Ideation. Through the process of generating new ideas is how we as humans innovate to solve real world problems.

Generative AI is more than just art. We are talking about Augmenting Human Creativity.

This technology will be able to level up the human species, evolving the human brain from qualitative only to qualitative and quantitative at the same time.

Generative AI will be used to solve real world problems.

Innovation will come at a speed we have never seen before in history (check this thread to see the Tsunami of applications that are out there in just 90 days from a major open source release, including the generation of X-ray medical images)

It’s not only about art.


AHI Global Meetup

The tech community of engineers, designers, investors and founders should come together to start building tools that empower humans.

We will host the first global AHI meetup next year, 16th June 2023 and If AHI feels right to you, RSVP here as a participant or as a speaker.

We will connect, inspire and brainstorm with talks about AHI, showing tools and applications to augment the human brain.

Let’s start manifesting a future where humans will be super humans, not slaves of our own thoughts.

Thanks for reading.



Saverio Pulizzi
Saverio Pulizzi

Written by Saverio Pulizzi

Data Scientist exploring the intersection between AI and Creativity.

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